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What's the differences between HFW and ERW steel pipe?


What is the differences between HFW and ERW Steel Pipe? Now, Let’s go to make a clear of this question from the ERW and HFW welding processes.
What's the differences between HFW and ERW steel pipe?

What is the differences between HFW and ERW Steel Pipe? Now, Let’s go to make a clear of this question from the ERW and HFW welding processes:

HFW welding process is not the same case with the high-frequency process, since it’s only a section of the steel metals is heated by the induction of electric coil. High-frequency is generated by either AC or DC current. In these cases, the constant current welding generator and constant voltage high-frequency welding generator are used.

ERW welding process refers the heat generated by the resistance to current flow that pass through the jointed metals. So a large current is needed to electrify the whole surface of the steel plate or coil to the length of welding. In the ERW welding process, the electric current that pass through the entire conductor is at 50/60 Hz.


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